Wildlife List
Click Species to See a List of Viewing Sites Mammals Allen's Chipmunk
American Badger
American Beaver
American Marten
American Mink
American Pika
Belding's Ground Squirrel
Big Brown Bat
Big Free-Tailed Bat
Bighorn Sheep
Black Bear
Black Rat
Black-Tailed Jackrabbit
Blue Whale
Botta's Pocket Gopher
Bottle-Nosed Dolphin
Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat
Broad-Footed Mole
Brush Mouse
Brush Rabbit
Bushy-Tailed Woodrat
Cactus Mouse
California Chipmunk
California Ground Squirrel
California Kangaroo Rat
California Leaf-Nosed Bat
California Mouse
California Myotis
California Pocket Mouse
California Sea-Lion
California Vole
Common Dolphin
Common Muskrat
Common Porcupine
Dall's Porpoise
Deer Mouse
Desert Cottontail
Desert Kangaroo Rat
Desert Pocket Mouse
Desert Shrew
Desert Woodrat
Douglas' Squirrel
Dusky Shrew
Dusky-Footed Woodrat
Elephant Seal
Feral Cat
Fringed Myotis
Giant Kangaroo Rat
Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel
Gray Fox
Gray Whale
Guadalupe Fur-Seal
Harbor Porpoise
Harbor Seal
Heather Vole
Heermann's Kangaroo Rat
Hispid Cotton Rat
Hoary Bat
House Mouse
Humpback Whale
Island Gray Fox
Kit Fox
Least Chipmunk
Little Brown Myotis
Little Pocket Mouse
Lodgepole Chipmunk
Long-Eared Myotis
Long-Legged Myotis
Long-Tailed Pocket Mouse
Long-Tailed Vole
Long-Tailed Weasel
Merriam's Kangaroo Rat
Mexican Long-Tongued Bat
Mohave Ground Squirrel
Montane Vole
Mountain Beaver
Mountain Lion
Mountain Pocket Gopher
Mule Deer
Northern (Steller) Sea-Lion
Northern Elephant Seal
Northern Flying Squirrel
Northern Fur-Seal
Northern River Otter
Norway Rat
Ornate Shrew
Pacific Kangaroo Rat
Pallid Bat
Pinyon Mouse
Pocketed Free-Tailed Bat
Round-Tailed Ground Squirrel
Salt-Marsh Harvest Mouse
San Joaquin Kit Fox
San Joaquin Pocket Mouse
Sea Otter
Sierra Nevada Red Fox
Silver-Haired Bat
Snowshoe Hare
Sonoma Chipmunk
Spiny Pocket Mouse
Spotted Bat
Striped Skunk
Townsend's Big-Eared Bat
Trowbridge's Shrew
Vagrant Shrew
Virginia Opossum
Water Shrew
Western Gray Squirrel
Western Harvest Mouse
Western Jumping Mouse
Western Mastiff Bat
Western Pipistrelle
Western Pocket Gopher
Western Red Bat
Western Small-Footed Myotis
Western Spotted Skunk
Western Yellow Bat
White-Tailed Antelope Squirrel
White-Tailed Jackrabbit
White-Throated Woodrat
Wild Pig
Yellow-Bellied Marmot
Yellow-Pine Chipmunk
Yuma Myotis