Species found at Viewing Site
Lake Mendocino
- Site # 329 |
Species: | Acorn Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | American Avocet |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | American Coot |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | American Crow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | American Dipper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, upstream of Hwy 20 |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | American Goldfinch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: open oak savannah, open grassland, open oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | American Kestrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | American Pipit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | American Robin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | American White Pelican |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | American Wigeon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Anna's Hummingbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral, oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Aquatic Garter Snake |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Arboreal Salamander |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitat: oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Ash-Throated Flycatcher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Baird's Sandpiper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Bald Eagle |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Band-Tailed Pigeon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Barn Owl |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats:grassland, oak savannah, nocturnal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Barn Swallow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: forages everywhere, dam tower |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Barrow's Goldeneye |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Su,F |
Season View: | W,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Belted Kingfisher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Bewick's Wren |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Big Brown Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: Open oak woodland, oak savannah. Nocturnal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Black Phoebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Black Salamander |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Black-Bellied Plover |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Black-Crowned Night Heron |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Black-Headed Grosbeak |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Su |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Black-Necked Stilt |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Black-Tailed Jackrabbit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Intermediate canopy stages of shrub habitats, and open shrub/herbaceous and tree/herbaceous edges provide suitable habitat |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Black-Throated Gray Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, chaparral |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Blue-Winged Teal |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Bobcat |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Brushy stages of oak woodland, riparian woods, and all stages of chaparral. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Bonaparte's Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Botta's Pocket Gopher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Grassland areas with moist, friable soils, and riparian areas with soil. Primarily, nocturnal when above ground. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, and forage over the lake as well. Nocturnal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Brewer's Blackbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Broad-Footed Mole |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: moist meadows, near streams |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Brown Creeper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, hardwood, conifers |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Brown Pelican |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Brown-Headed Cowbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Brush Mouse |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral, riparian, oak woodland (sparse understory). Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Brush Rabbit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: shrub edge, early succesional stages of oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Bufflehead |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Bullfrog |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Bullock's Oriole |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, riparian |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Bushtit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, chapparal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Cackling Goose (Aleutian Can In Ca) |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Ground Squirrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Openings in brush and oak woodland habitats. Friable soil is required, and rocks, scattered trees, logs and other ground cover enhance habitat |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | California Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | California Kangaroo Rat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: open annual grassland going to mixed chaparral preferred. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Mountain Kingsnake |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitat: chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Myotis |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, forage over lake or brushy habitats. Nocturnal. Hibernates. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Newt |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | California Quail |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | California Roach |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: moving water streams below lake and when moving above lake. Not in lake. Chance mostly to see young-of-the-year. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | California Slender Salamander |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitat: oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | California Thrasher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | California Towhee |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, chaparral, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | California Vole |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: Grasslands with friable soil. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Canada Goose |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Canvasback |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Caspian Tern |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Cassin's Vireo |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, riparian |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Cattle Egret |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Cedar Waxwing |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: dense oak woodland, dense oak savannah, dense grassland, riparian |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Chestnut-Backed Chickadee |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral, seen at Mesa |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Chinook Salmon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Adults in stream below dam in fall/winter. Juveniles stream downstream in spring. |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Chipping Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Cinnamon Teal |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Clark's Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Cliff Swallow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: forages everywhere, dam tower |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Coastal Rainbow Trout |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Planted in the stream above the lake. But many present below the lake. Steelhead adult return in late fall/winter/spring and juvenile coastal rainbow trout go back downstream in spring. Tours available during this time. Call 707-467-4200 |
Present Season: | W,Sp |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Coho Salmon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Late fall adults come up to base of dam. Gone by January. |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Garter Snake |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Goldeneye |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Kingsnake |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: all upland areas including chaparral, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Loon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Merganser |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Common Muskrat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: Lake margins by aquatic vegetation. Riparian. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Common Raven |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Common Yellowthroat |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: swampy areas |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Cooper's Hawk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Coyote |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitat: Interspersions of brush and open areas, with free water. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Dark-Eyed Junco |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oaks, conifers |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Deer Mouse |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Most abundant in early seral stages of forest/woodland habitats (open and moderate canopy) and in moderate to dense canopy of shrub habitats. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Double-Crested Cormorant |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Douglas' Squirrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: hardwood/conifer, adjacent riparian areas, high canopy closure |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Downy Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Dunlin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Dusky-Footed Woodrat |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitat: Common to abundant in forest habitats of moderate canopy and moderate to dense understory. Can be abundant in chaparral. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Eared Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Ensatina |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Eurasian Collared-Dove |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Eurasian Wigeon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | European Starling |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Feral Cat |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Found near campgrounds and day-use areas. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitat: riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Forster's Tern |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Fox Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral, dense oak savannah |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Gadwall |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Glaucous Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Glaucous-Winged Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Golden Eagle |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Golden-Crowned Kinglet |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: conifers, Bushay |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Golden-Crowned Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, chaparral, grassland |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Gopher Snake |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: upland areas including chaparral, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Gray Fox |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Most upland areas (oak woodland, oak savannah, chaparral) interspersed with riparian areas providing water. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Great Blue Heron |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Great Egret |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Great Horned Owl |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, nocturnal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Greater Roadrunner |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Greater Scaup |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Greater White-Fronted Goose |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Greater Yellowlegs |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Green Heron |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Su |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Green-Winged Teal |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Hairy Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Hermit Thrush |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, oak woodland, oak savannah, chaparral |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Herring Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Hoary Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Prefers open habitats or habitat mosaics, with access to trees for cover and open areas or habitat edges for feeding. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Hooded Merganser |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Horned Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | House Finch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: all areas, developed areas |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | House Mouse |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: park buildings, campgrounds, accessible water. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | House Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: developed areas |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | House Wren |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Hutton's Vireo |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Killdeer |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Lark Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, grassland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Laughing Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Lazuli Bunting |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral, oak woodland |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Least Sandpiper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Lesser Goldfinch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: open oak savannah, open grassland, open oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Lesser Scaup |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Lesser Yellowlegs |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Lewis' S Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Lincoln's Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: weeds, chaparral, oak woodland |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Little Brown Myotis |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral, oak savannah, oak woodland. Feeds over lake. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Long-Billed Dowitcher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Long-Eared Myotis |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, forages over lake/streams, nocturnal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Long-Tailed Weasel |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Uses intermediate cover stages of conifer and deciduous habitats for breeding, and open forest, woodland, and shrub habitats for feeding. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Mallard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Marbled Godwit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Merlin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Mew Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Mountain Lion |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: Require extensive areas of riparian vegetation and brush stages of various habitats, with interspersions of irregular terrain, and tree/brush edges. Migrating through a large home range. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Mourning Dove |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Mule Deer |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Suitable habitat is a mosaic of vegetation, providing an interspersion of herbaceous openings, dense brush or tree thickets, riparian arease, and abundant edge. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Nashville Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Northern Flicker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Northern Harrier |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: grassland |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Northern Mockingbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral, developed areas |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Northern Pintail |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Northern Pygmy Owl |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, oak woodland, nocturnal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Northern River Otter |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian and wetland vegetation associated with the lake (the Inlet, Perry Cove). |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Northern Rough-Winged Swallow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: forages everywhere |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Northern Shoveler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Norway Rat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: Riparian areas. Can be associated with sewers and garbage. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Nuttall's Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Oak Titmouse |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Orange-Crowned Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Osprey |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: mostly on lake, lake margins. Also may be seen park wide. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pacific Golden-Plover |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pacific Loon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pacific Treefrog |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, riparian, lake margin, grassland, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Pacific-Slope Flycatcher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pallid Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Most common in open, dry habitats with rocky areas. Noturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pectoral Sandpiper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Peregrine Falcon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pied-Billed Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Pileated Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pine Siskin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: conifers, less in oaks |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pinyon Mouse |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitat: oak savannah, chaparral, rocky areas with brushy thickets. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Pond Slider |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Prairie Falcon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, grassland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Prickly Sculpin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Present in stream above lake, and stream below dam. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Purple Finch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, conifers |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Purple Martin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, on lake, forages everywhere, Mesa, by lake |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Raccoon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian areas, lake margins, oak woodlands |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Racer |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, grassland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red Phalarope |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red-Breasted Merganser |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Red-Breasted Sapsucker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Red-Naped Sapsucker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red-Necked Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red-Necked Phalarope |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red-Shouldered Hawk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Red-Tailed Hawk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, grassland, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Red-Throated Loon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red-Throated Pipit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Red-Winged Blackbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Redhead |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Riffle Sculpin |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: In stream above lake and in stream below dam. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Ring-Billed Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Ring-Necked Duck |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Ring-Necked Snake |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Ringtail |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, brush stands in oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Rock Pigeon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: below dam |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Rock Wren |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: dam, spillway |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Ross' S Goose |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Rough-Skinned Newt |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Ruby-Crowned Kinglet |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Rufous Hummingbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral, oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Rufous-Crowned Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: grassland, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Sabine's Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp |
Season View: | Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Sacramento Pikeminnow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: In lake and stream below dam. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Sacramento Sucker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Present in stream above lake, in stream below dam, and some in lake. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Sanderling |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Savannah Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: open areas, oak savannah, grassland, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Say's Phoebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, grassland |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Semipalmated Plover |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Sharp-Shinned Hawk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Sharp-Tailed Snake |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Short-Billed Dowitcher |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Silver-Haired Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, forage over lake/streams and open brush areas. |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Snow Goose |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Snowy Egret |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Snowy Egret |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Solitary Sandpiper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Song Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian (more than other sparrows), oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Sonoma Chipmunk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral, gray pine, riparian thickets |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Southern Alligator Lizard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Spotted Sandpiper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Spotted Towhee |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oaks, chaparral, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Steller's Jay |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Striped Skunk |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Uses edges between forest types. Commonly found in grass/forb stages of most habitats, riparian areas, and brush stages of oak woodland habitat. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Surf Scoter |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Swainson's Thrush |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, oak woodland |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Thayer's Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Threespine Stickleback |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: Present in stream above lake, in stream below dam, and some in lake. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Townsend's Big-Eared Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Prefers mesic habitats. Gleans from brush or trees or feeds along habitat edges. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Townsend's Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oaks, conifers |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Tree Swallow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, grassland, by water, forages everywhere |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Tufted Duck |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Tundra Swan |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Turkey Vulture |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodlands, oak savannah, riparian, grasslands, lake margins |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Varied Thrush |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: dense oak woodland, riparian |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Vaux's Swift |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Violet-Green Swallow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: grassland, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Virginia Opossum |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, oak woodland, brushy habitats, residential |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Warbling Vireo |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Bluebird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Western Fence Lizard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: all upland areas and riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Western Gray Squirrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, mixed hardwwod/conifer, riparian stands |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Western Grebe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Western Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Gull |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins |
Present Season: | W,F |
Season View: | W,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Harvest Mouse |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: grassland, shrublands, eary seral stages of oak woodland, usually near water. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Kingbird |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, grassland |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Western Meadowlark |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitat: open grassland, oak savannah, shore lines |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Pond Turtle |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake, lake margins, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Rattlesnake |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: all upland areas, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Red Bat |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: grassland, edges of oak woodland. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Sandpiper |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Screech Owl |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, nocturnal |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Western Scrub-Jay |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Western Skink |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: all upland areas and riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Western Spotted Skunk |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: Occurs in shrub and brush habitats with moderate canopy clousure. Also inhabits open forest and woodland with scattered openings, and riparian habitats. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Tanager |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oaks, conifers |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Terrestrial Garter Snake |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: grassland, oak savannah, oak woodland |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Toad |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, riparian, lake margin, grassland, chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W,Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | Western Whiptail |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitat: chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Western Wood-Pewee |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | White-Breasted Nuthatch |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | White-Crowned Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, chaparral, grassland |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Excellent |
Species: | White-Headed Woodpecker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: firs |
Present Season: | W |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | White-Tailed Kite |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: grassland, open woodlands |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | White-Throated Sparrow |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, chaparral |
Present Season: | W |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | White-Winged Scoter |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: on lake |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Wild Pig |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: Most upland types in the park (oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, chaparral, riparian areas). Nocturnal in hot weather. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Wild Turkey |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, riparian, chaparral, lake shore in summer |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Willet |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Wilson's Phalarope |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | Su |
Season View: | Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Wilson's Snipe |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: lake margins |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Wilson's Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, chaparral |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Winter Wren |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: dense oak woodland, riparian |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | W |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Wood Duck |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, on lake |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Wrentit |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: chaparral |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Yellow Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: riparian, oak woodland, oak savannah, grassland, chaparral |
Present Season: | Sp,Su,F |
Season View: | F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Yellow-Rumped Warbler |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Habitats: oak woodland, oak savannah, riparian |
Present Season: | W,Sp,F |
Season View: | W,Sp,F |
Reliable: | Good |
Species: | Yuma Myotis |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Habitats: oak savannah, open oak woodland, near the lake/streams. Nocturnal. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su,F |
Reliable: | Poor |