Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area
- Site # 273 |
Species: | Colorado Desert Fringe-Toed Lizard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | This lizard is found in almost all the areas of the park where there has been heavy sand accumulation. Watch for this lizard to shoot across sandy areas and then dive into the sand. Its tracks are often visible and may allow you to track this animal. (Featured in The Lizard-Watching Guide by Sherburn Sanborn.) |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Desert Iguana |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | This beautiful lizard is found throughout the park. It is most active when the weather is very warm. It is often seen on the grounds around the office and in the garden. (Featured in The Lizard-Watching Guide by Sherburn Sanborn.) |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Of all species of horned lizards, this is the rarest with the smallest range in the United States. As such, it is the Holy Grail of horned lizards. It is found throughout the entire park except for the extreme western edge. Early morning hikes in open, and especially sandy, areas will often find this lizard warming up for a day of ant gobbling. (Featured in The Lizard-Watching Guide by Sherburn Sanborn.) |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Greater Roadrunner |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Present in many places in the park. Best chance of viewing is on the office grounds and in the native plant garden. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Horned Lark |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | This gregarious bird is heard more often than seen. It likes the open areas throughout the park and its tracks are found in sandy areas such as those west of Gas Dome and in Eriogonum Wash. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Long-Nosed Leopard Lizard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | Another beautiful, rare lizard that can be seen while hiking around open areas of the park. (Featured in The Lizard-Watching Guide by Sherburn Sanborn.) |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Prairie Falcon |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | There have been several sightings of this bird, enough to indicate that there are residents. Some of these have been in Tule Wash and nearby areas. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Round-Tailed Ground Squirrel |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | The one mammal that is likely to be seen because it is not nocturnal. Here it is the most common ground squirrel, whereas it is the rarest of the three ground squirrels just a little ways to our west. Present throughout the park, it can often be seen scampering around in the native plant garden on the office grounds. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Yr |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Sidewinder |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | This snake, its unique track, and its basking circles can be found throughout the park, especially where there are nice patches of sand. Best found by walking through sandy areas in the morning. VENOMOUS. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Swainson's Hawk |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | This hawk migrates through this area in communal groups. They are known to roost overnight in nearby Borrego Springs. A large kettle of birds was followed from Borrego, through the park, and down Split Mountain Road in October, 2006; however, looking for spring migrants is probably a better bet. Scan the sky for large groups of raptors from about 1.5 hours before sunset to sunset in late February, March, and early April. |
Present Season: | Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Turkey Vulture |
Seen: | No |
Locations: | Turkey vultures migrate through this area in communal groups. They are known to roost overnight in nearby Borrego Springs. Both the north and south migrations do come through here; however, looking for spring migrants is probably a better bet. Scan the sky for large groups of raptors from about 1.5 hours before sunset to sunset in late February, March, and early April. |
Present Season: | Sp,F |
Season View: | Sp |
Reliable: | Poor |
Species: | Zebra-Tailed Lizard |
Seen: | Yes |
Locations: | This speedy lizard is present throughout the park. Watch for this lizard both while driving and walking, as both will cause it to run and then stop and wag its striped tail at you. Binoculars recommended for observing this species. |
Present Season: | Yr |
Season View: | Sp,Su |
Reliable: | Poor |