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Gary Kunkel - California Newt
Rick Lewis - California Mink
Robert Ho - White Tailed Kites
Jessica McLaughlin - California Chromodorid
Chih-Hsin Wang - Jack Rabbit
Sally Cullen - Monarch Butterflies
Lisa Daniels - Giant Hairy Scorpions
Area: 5,700 Acres
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Top Banner Photo Credits
Gary Kunkel
  California Newt
Rick Lewis
  California Mink
Robert Ho
  White Tailed Kites
Jessica McLaughlin
  California Chromodorid
Chih-Hsin Wang
  Jack Rabbit
Sally Cullen
  Monarch Butterflies
Lisa Daniels
  Giant Hairy Scorpions
Lake Berryessa - Site # 107
Lake Berryessa is the reservoir for the Solano Project which is owned by the Bureau of Reclamation and operated under a cooperative agreement by the Solano County Water Agency/Solano Irrigation District. The project provides flood control protection to the city of Winters and other downstream communities, as well as high-quality water supply for irrigation and the cities of Vacaville, Suisun City, Vallejo, and Fairfield.
RegionalRegional - worth visiting if you are already in the area. They may be located farther from populated areas or with more limited wildlife species.

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Background: Grassy hills dotted with oaks, ceanothus, and manzanita surround long inlets and coves populated by migratory tunra swans, Canada geese, mallards, ruddy ducks and cinnamon teal. American white pelicans, western grebes, and buffleheads fish the open water along with California gulls, ospreys, and bald eagles. Watch for black phoebes, green herons and sandhill cranes near the shoreline or along the Smittle Creek Trail. Nearly 20 species of birds of prey have been sighted, including resident turkey vultures, Cooper's hawks, American kestrels, and barn owls. Coveys of California quail feed in the grasslands just after sunrise and before sunset. The oaks and chaparral attract many birds, including Bewick's wrens, yellow-rumped warblers, western bluebirds, and northern flickers.

The Habitat: Nestled between Blue Ridge and Cedar Roughs, east of the Napa Valley, Lake Berryessa offers year-round recreation opportunities. Berryessa's water reaches temperatures of up to 75 degrees in the summer, making it an ideal place for water sports. Anglers enjoy fishing for both cold and warm water species, such as rainbow trout, bass, catfish, crappie, and bluegill.

Lake Berryessa provides many opportunities to experience a variety of wildlife and plant exploration activities. Hiking, bird watching, photography, and picnicking are all popular activities year-round.

The Experience: At capacity, Lake Berryessa stores 1.6 million acre feet of water and is one of the largest bodies of fresh water in California. The lake is 23 miles long, 3 miles wide, with 165 miles of shoreline. Reclamation and the Blue Ridge Berryessa Partnership jointly manage a 2,000-acre wildlife area along the east side of the lake.

Viewing Tips: High probability of seeing waterfowl, songbirds, shorebirds, and wading birds from October through April. Birds of prey are seen year-round; bald and golden eagles are present from November through February. Look for deer and small mammals year-round. Wildflowers bloom from February to April.

Nearby Viewing Sites: Lake Solano
Cache Creek Management Area

Visitor Information: Visit Yolo - (530) 297-1900 - https://visityolo.com
Viewing Site Hours of Operation are:
Staff On-site: Yes
Year Round: Yes

Road Information:   Paved.  Gravel. 
Road Hazards: 
 Number of Parking Spaces: 0
Parking Fee: Yes
Proximity to viewing area:
 Pull-Through Parking: Yes
Parking Notes: 

Special Tips: Make Your Reservations

Oak Shores Day Use Area offers six large group shade shelters at Acorn Beach, Foxtail Flat, and Coyote Beach. Group shelters can be reserved for groups of up to 50 for $25, per shelter per day, at recreation.gov. For more information, or to organize a larger event, please contact the Lake Berryessa Park Ranger Office at 707-966-2111 ext. 113.

Markley Cove Resort, Pleasure Cove Marina, Steele Canyon Recreation Area, Putah Canyon Recreation Area, and Spanish Flat Recreation Area offer services including camping and boat launching. For information on concession-operated facilities, or to make reservations, please call the concession operators or visit their websites:

Markley Cove, 707-966-2134, markleycove.com
Pleasure Cove Marina, 707-966-9600, goberryessa.com
Steele Canyon Recreation Area, 707-966-9600, lakeberryessacampgrounds.com
Spanish Flat Recreation Area, 707-966-0200
Putah Canyon Recreation Area, 707-966-9051, royalelkparkmanagement.com

How to Get There: Take Highway 128 north of Napa Valley about 10 miles to Knoxville Road, turn and drive 10 miles to lake.
From Winters, Highway 128 west about 36 miles

Contact Information
Managing Agency: Bureau of Reclamation - Dufer Point Visitor Cent
Agency Site URL: 
Physical Address:5520 Knoxville Road
Napa, CA 94558
Agency 2:
, CA
Manager Phone:
Site Phone:(707) 966-2111
County: Napa
Addition Website: