Photo Guidelines and Terms of Use
California Watchable Wildlife and Outdoor California present a Photo Contest for images that illustrate the diversity of the California wildlife viewing experience.
The yearlong contest will feature three winners in each bi-monthly contest period beginning with March-April 2021 and ending with September-October, 2021. A grand prize winner will be announced in January, 2022. The final judging period, November-December, 2021, is reserved for judging and selecting the Photo of the Year.
Images must be taken at a California Watchable Wildlife viewing site, at a location in the Sierra Nevada, or feature any native California wildlife species. Images may show wildlife in its native habitat, animal behavior, seasonal abundance of wildlife or people viewing wildlife.
Entries will be judged on technical excellence, composition, overall impact and storytelling and difficulty in getting the shot. A panel of judges is composed of professional photographers, Outdoor California magazine and Sierra Nevada Conservancy. The judges' decisions will be final.
Winners will be announced in Outdoor California magazine, on the California Watchable Wildlife website and across social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram.
All submissions will become a part of Outdoor California's, Sierra Nevada Conservancy's and California Watchable Wildlife's image libraries. Therefore, even non-winning submissions may be featured in later issues of Outdoor California, or in promotional materials of California Watchable Wildlife and Sierra Nevada Conservancy. Photographers will be properly credited but not compensated.
Photograph Submission Rules
- Contest images must be taken at a California Watchable Wildlife viewing site, at a location in the Sierra Nevada, or feature any native California wildlife species (or all three). Lists of eligible sites and species are found on the California Watchable Wildlife website page at
- The image name MUST include the name of photographer, the location, and species if applicable, e.g. "Joseph Smith_ Graylodge _SnowGeese.jpg."
- Images submitted with numeric file names will be disqualified.
- Images may be submitted only once during each annual contest. Winning images from prior Photo Contests in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,2019 or 2020 will not be considered.
- Images submitted should be the largest size available up to a maximum of 10 inches on the long dimension with a resolution of 300 dpi and no larger than 2,400 x 2,400 pixels. Images should not be 'upsized.' They should be saved as a JPEG file with the maximum size of the uploaded file not exceeding 3MB. This will ensure that winning photos are suitable for publication in Outdoor California magazine. Images selected for use on the California Watchable Wildlife website will be downsized as needed. We reserve the right to limit winning photos to those suitable for print.
- Only digital images will be accepted. Images should be encoded using the JPG compression standard.
- Photographs taken at any time are eligible, but only the photographer may submit entries. An entry cannot be submitted on behalf of another party.
- Please limit digital manipulation to a minimum; images should faithfully represent the scene naturally. Images should not include a watermark or border.
- Images must be submitted via the electronic submission form at All sections of the submission form should be completed, and we reserve the right to limit entries to those with complete submission data.
- Submissions will be accepted through midnight on October 31, 2021.
Contest Terms and Conditions
The contest is open to participants worldwide and is subject to California law. Employees of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Watchable Wildlife, Sierra Nevada Conservancy and the judges and their immediate families are excluded.
- No entry fee is required. Entrants may submit a maximum of two images during each entry period. Duplicate submissions will not be considered.
- The deadline for entry is midnight on the last day of each entry period, with the last entries being accepted on October 31, 2021.
- Outdoor California and California Watchable Wildlife reserve the right to cancel or modify the rules of the contest at any time.
License Agreement
By submitting your photographs to Outdoor California or California Watchable Wildlife, you hereby grant to Outdoor California and California Watchable Wildlife a royalty-free, non-exclusive, and perpetual right to copy, edit, adapt, distribute, perform, display and/or use these photographic images, including any derivative works created from these materials, in whole or in part, for use in Outdoor California magazine or California Watchable Wildlife promotional materials. In addition, you grant to Outdoor California and California Watchable Wildlife the royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual right for the use of your name and biographical information in connection with the use of these materials.
In addition, you hereby grant to contest sponsor Sierra Nevada Conservancy a royalty-free, non-exclusive, and perpetual right to copy, edit, adapt, distribute, perform, display and/or use these photographic images, including any derivative works created from these materials, in whole or in part, for use in Sierra Nevada Conservancy promotional materials and websites. In addition, you grant to Sierra Nevada Conservancy the royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual right for the use of your name and biographical information in connection with the use of these materials.
You certify that you are at least 18 years old, that you have the right to grant the contest sponsors all the rights granted herein and that these materials are your original work and are not owned by any other person or entity. You represent that the materials, the creation of the materials and the use of the materials do not violate any law or regulation and do not infringe the rights of any person or entity, including copyright or trademark rights or rights of privacy or publicity. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Outdoor California, California Watchable Wildlife and Sierra Nevada Conservancy from any loss, claim, damage or expense arising from the use of these materials or your breach of this agreement, including the above representations.